$44.00 USD

Every month

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

I have read and agree to the terms and conditions of this page & course as follows:


You understand and accept that I (Aleesha Simone) am not and will not be liable or responsible for any inaction or action you take from this course. You understand that this course is not therapy and does not substitute for therapy, or, cure any mental disorder or medical disease. Any provided text, audio, or video files are for your private use only and remain the intellectual property of Aleesha Simone.

Once agreeing to these terms and conditions, whether you choose to complete the said curriculum/course or not, you will be required to pay out the rest of your agreed payment plan (if not paying in full).

Refunds are not permitted for any programs, course curriculums, or coaching with me - as you get full access to all of my work. They will only be considered for true personal emergencies. If truly dissatisfied with the content, coaching or product, a refund may only be considered when client has clearly participated in all content & course work.

The Portal Membership

Welcome to the Portal Membership 


By joining this monthly membership you will have access to:


- 1 live zoom call and transmission per month on/around the new moon

(with occasional amazing guest speakers on a variety of topics from sexuality, dating, to healing, relationships, intimacy, business)


- access to ALL of my pre recorded courses & masterclasses

(sexual energy activations, workshops + masterclasses, social media business intensives)


- a group discord with daily check-ins + downloads

(a close friends style intimate community of other women on the path)



*Upon joining you will get complete access to all my previous classes, modules and containers. 
You'll also get the link to our Discord where our membership container is held <3


I can't wait to welcome you inside and have you as a part of my inner circle,




if at any time you wish to cancel your membership all you will need to do is let me know and it will be processed - currently there is no lock in to join us.